図書館TAによるオンライン講習会「卒業論文の書き方とWordの便利な使い方」Online Course by Library Teaching Assistant On「How to Write Graduation Thesis & Methods of Using Word」


The library provides learning support by library TA (graduate student). We will hold online courses as below. The course is not only for thesis writing, but also for report writing. We would like to invite you to take this opportunity to participate.


10月18日(月)17:00~18:00 前田 理紗(自然科学教育部 土木建築学専攻M2)
10月19日(火)17:00~18:00 谷口 加奈子(自然科学教育部 土木建築学専攻M2)
10月26日(火)17:00~18:00 佐藤 允彦(自然科学教育部情報電気工学専攻D3)
October 28th(Thursday)17:00~18:00
Zhang Jiguo(Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences M2)





Please apply by using the link below. We will send you the URL of Zoom.



各回先着300名 300 students

(参考 Reference)図書館TAによる学修支援(中央館)


中央館 利用支援担当 096-342-2243
